Grain-Free Treats Are Just Purr-Fect for Sensitive Cats

Ever seen a cat look precisely like it just got whiff of a sour lemon right after receiving new Cat treats? Some fussy felines take issue with certain foods like your grannie takes issue with rap music: an immediate and complete rejection. What’s a cat parent to do? Of course, head on over to the pet store’s grain-free section! For our finicky felines with sensitive stomachs, the grain-free cat treats is bound to shake things up in the snacking world.

You may ask yourself, “What’s the big deal with grains?” Well, kitties are sweet little carnivores. They also don’t have the systems in place to deal with a lot of grains.

Grains can be a little tricky for cats with sensitive stomachs, resulting in either a dance of kitty gas or a journey to the litter box that no one wants to take. Grain-free treats trim the chaff and leave the good stuff. Or, as in, missing the cookie and going straight for the chocolate chips! Yum!

My friend Mary’s cat Whiskers, liked food-like. It would snub anything in a bowl with disdain. Grain-free munchies, anyone? Game over! Every time Whiskers eats, it’s Oscar night. Gone faster than a cat escaping a bath, the once-standoffish disposition was.

But that’s not the only benefit of grain-free treats. Others say they’ve noticed shinier coats and fewer hairballs. Yes, you guessed it — less hair sausage on the floor. And if I was to hazard a guess, quite a number less of hair balls means a very contented humans. But the grain-free gospel is not an airy-fairy load of hot air; it’s all about kitty welfare. Let us be honest, though — even the most sophisticated of cats simply can not resist a good natural flavor from time to time. It’s sort of like getting filet mignon instead of mystery meat.

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