Let’s go on an enchanting journey in search of that perfect bed. Picture this: it’s late at night, you’ve just watched a horror movie, and now you’re in bed, tossing and turning. People sites are the thumping noises in the night or blood gushing scenes could be the trouble makers visit us TheGoodBedCompany.co.uk. Rather, squirming beneath you could be your aging, irritated mattress with the irritating creaks and poke.
Today, we are on a quest to find the mythical Serene Slumber. Once you find it, you will sleep like you are in a tranquilizer dart-induced hibernation. What kind of weird magic are the comfort objects called memory foam and innerspring performing, you wonder? Let’s tackle the basics.
Bob, who is taking his own sweet time deciding between latex and memory foam, is there. He’s like the donkey that starved to death by being equidistant to two stacks of hay. “Memory foam is like getting a 10second hug,” muses our Bob. But don’t overlook that bouncy promise of latex calling out, “heave ho!” with every twist and turn. Depending on whether you want to sink into something peaceful or want a feeling of life springing from it will decide your pick.
When the subject of firmness comes up, Susie butts in. “Soft for pillows, firm for mattresses,” she repeates some good phrases. But what’s too firm for one could be like lying down on a hard block of stone for another. It’s about not just lying in place, but the response when you try getting out of that place, she claims. Goldilocks rule could judge it to be just right if you are sinking in rather than hopping up.
Since we talkin’ posture, how can side sleeper John get past it. With no understanding for the posture angle, side-sleeper John lamented over brunch “My bed shape morphed me into a human pretzel. “Results confirmed, “JA softer mattress will generally have a gentler touch on side sleepers, such as sadly torqued pretzel John. “My joints are still happy,” he jokes, coffee cup raised with effortless grace.
As the saying goes, from Mark, we learn, “Size matters!” choosing between king and queen ain’t just the stories of elite. “My bedroom is not Buckingham Palace- I guess I stick with queen” odds are your room is more queenly snug than Instagram worthy ballroom big.
So there you go, resources to help make your time in the covers count even more! Wool sweaters are not going to eliminate bed blues but overcoming the realization of the pillow terrorist under your head can. Get the mattress magic right and you could be slumbering peacefully like all of your fairy tale bedtime stories all through the land of in the early hours.